Standards Make It Deluxe

09 Feb 2023

What does it really mean to “learn” a programming language?

Learning a programming language is more than just memorizing libraries, functions, and capabilities; in fact, some may say the knowledge of such aspects is unnecessary entirely. It is a tired joke to hear that a Software Engineer will spend just as much time looking something up as they do programming with that specific something; but perhaps it is more indicative of how universal this aspect is within our profession than it is of how infamously humorless computer scientists can be.

What is the purpose of ESLint?

Ultimately, learning a programming language is learning its syntax and how to manipulate it. Correct syntax comes first before thinking about the correct library that will make approaching a problem easier. Think about the absurdity of considering what furniture will fit a space in the house best when the house falls apart every time the front door is opened. The key to a sturdy house is ESLint.

How is ESLint useful?

Oftentimes, in the process of building houses, we make mistakes that result in catastrophic failure down the line. ESLint is the construction worker whose job it is to point out where we went wrong and prevent doomsday from happening. ESLint is syntax-aware and will point out the parts of our code that can be potentially problematic especially when working with a loosely-typed language like Javascript. But perhaps one of the greatest benefits is the amount of time that is saved looking for the one beam that makes the house fall. ESLint has only been useful for my programming experience and I look even more forward to using Javascript knowing that it’s always there trying to prevent me from burning down the house.